Kamis, 30 Januari 2020

Travel Warning China

What Travelers Need to Know about Corona Virus Problem

 Coronavirus epidemic aka corona virus makes a lot of travelers think twice about traveling, especially those that require to go abroad.

 The virus that originated in the city of Wuhan in Hubei, China is said to be similar to SARS and deadly.

 Here are some things tourists need to know about the corona virus outbreak:

 1. Travel appeal

 The governments of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, have issued travel bans (travel warnings) for residents to China to avoid exposure to the corona virus.

 The US, Japan, Germany and Italy are also planning an evacuation of residents living in Wuhan.

 Meanwhile Indonesia until Thursday (30/1) has not issued a travel warning, but it is still in the form of travel advice, because it is still waiting for WHO's recommendations.

 2. Flights and shipping

 Airlines based in Asia, Europe and North America have canceled flight routes to China.

 From the previous news, some airlines that have delayed are;  British Airways, United Airlines, Lufthansa, Air Asia, Cathay Pacific, Air India and Finnair.

 For Indonesian tourists who want to go abroad and hold a flight ticket by transit in China, it is better to contact the airline before departure so they can get the latest information about flight delays or cancellations.

 Likewise with cruise ships, such as MSC, Costa, and Royal Caribbean, which cancel shipping routes to ports in China.

 3. Travel insurance

 Airlines and hotels will most likely refund payments to consumers whose trips have been canceled due to the corona virus.

 But a virus outbreak is not covered in most standard travel cancellation insurance policies, according to TravelInsurance.com.

 "For those who buy additional services in the form of Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR), some travel cancellation protection services may be available," according to Stan Sandberg, co-founder of TravelInsurance.com.

 "For those who hold a travel insurance policy, they should contact the travel insurance provider to find out whether the cancellation plan has coverage," Sandberg advised.

 4. For those who have to go to China

 It's better not to travel when you are sick.  But travelers who cannot avoid traveling to China must fortify themselves with immune health and health equipment.

 People who want to come to China are advised to avoid crowds in public places, contact with people who are sick, do not visit the wet market - especially those that sell animals, and do not forget to wash their hands and bathe when they get home.

 CDC recommends washing hands with soap and clean water for about 20 seconds.  Alcohol cleansers can be used if there is no water.

 People who have just arrived or are about to return from China but have a fever for more than two weeks should contact the hospital directly for further treatment.

 Wear a mask or close your mouth when you cough with a cold.

Rabu, 02 Oktober 2019

Garut coffee track

Sebelum jalur kereta api tersambung sampai Cicalengka (1884), pengiriman kopi dari daerah Priangan ke luar negeri dilakukan melalui Pelabuhan Cilacap. Kopi-kopi ditampung di Banjar untuk selanjutnya diangkut dengan perahu menyusuri sungai Citanduy ke Pelabuhan Cilacap di Segaranakan.
Sejak jalur kereta api sudah beroperasi sampai Cicalengka, para pedagang lebih suka melakukan pengiriman kopi melalui stasiun Cicalengka dan dengan kereta api langsung diangkut ke pelabuhan Tanjung Priok. Dan pelabuhan Cilacap pun lambat laun kemudian menjadi sepi.
Pada tabel ini, terlihat hanya gudang di Ciwalen (distrik Suci) saja yang semula termasuk wilayah kabupaten Limbangan. Kemudian, distrik-distrik lain penghasil kopi itu digabungkan ke dalam wilayah kabupaten Limbangan (Garut).
Hanya saja, kopi kemudian sudah tidak menjadi komoditas utama lagi, berganti menjadi teh dan kina. Bermula dari penghapusan Preangerstelsel (1870), lalu hama yang menyerang, kopi asal Garut tak lagi diproduksi banyak, lalu kehilangan pamor.
Tabel dari Susanto Zuhdi, "Cilacap (1830-1942), Bangkit dan Runtuhnya Suatu Pelabuhan di Jawa" (2016)

Espresso or instan

Espresso is a type of coffee drink. The extracted coffee is very small, very concentrated (around 6-10x more concentrated than normal filter drinks) and is used as a flavoring / supplement in Latte, cappuccino, and macchiato.

The only difference between a latte, cappuccino and macchiato is the amount of milk that is evaporated into a glass.

Understanding espresso above may be controversial,
Immediately, we turn to how to roast coffee for espresso.
Roasting is one of the important processes that will affect the quality of the aroma and taste of coffee. Even as a percentage, the roasting process has an effect of up to 30% in donations of aroma and taste.
This figure is obtained from the assumption that 55% of the aroma and taste formation in coffee is in the "garden" (climatic conditions, height of planting, coffee varieties, post-harvest process, etc.) and 15% of the coffee brewing process.

This figure is obtained from the assumption that 55% of the aroma and taste formation in coffee is in the "garden" (climatic conditions, height of planting, coffee varieties, post-harvest process, etc.) and 15% of the coffee brewing process.
In the roasting process, raw coffee beans (raw green bean) which have the characteristics of soft, "grassy" smell and little / no taste at all are transformed into roasted beans that have unique-scented characteristics and rich in taste.
(For the record; roasted greenbean must have a water content of 12-14%.)

Roasting profile that will be reviewed is Espresso roast. In this phase, the coffee beans have gone through a long "journey" that brings many changes ranging from decreasing weight (lighter), darker color (almost black) with oil content that appears on the surface of the coffee beans and a larger size compared to the initial conditions when the coffee beans are still raw (raw green bean).
In this dark roast profile also the process of "carbonyzed" occurs in coffee beans so that the aroma and taste characteristics of coffee will generally tend to be bitter, somewhat charred and the least caffeine.
At present, the selection of roasting profile is more or less not only influenced by shifting market tastes, but also the desire to further explore the aroma and taste characteristics of coffee beans. This will certainly be more obtained in the profile of light roasts and medium roasts. In addition, the positive progress with the better post-harvest process that produces quality coffee beans also makes people think "it's too bad if this kind of coffee is roasted in the dark".

How to drink Italian espresso is somewhat unique, even how to order a single or double espresso is also a typical Italian to enjoy the day, then how the actual history that developed in it, to become a trend until now.

La Pavoni became the espresso machine that was broadcast as the first commercial in the country at that time. The word "espresso" itself was born from the concept of making it, namely express flowing coffee grounds quickly, then slowly becoming "express oh" gradually becoming more familiar with the term espresso.

Finally, in 1896 at the world exhibition, there was an espresso machine that tried to answer the Italian needs for coffee, this machine brewed coffee with steam and claimed to produce 3000 cups of coffee per 1 hour. But about the taste, it is still not quite friendly on the tongue, this is related to since it is known that brewing coffee should ideally be at a certain hot temperature. For the first time the success of this espresso machine was marked in 1901 by the success of the founder Luigi Bezzera. Until finally the perfect version of the espresso machine was present in 1905 which was produced by Pavoni. Not only is it quick to serve espresso, but also the taste of the coffee can be accepted by the Italians.

Espresso Now
One coffee menu is arguably a must in a coffee shop, why is that? Because from espresso, there are a lot of coffee dishes that are created, whether it is latte, cappuccino or other coffee dishes. Not only a trend in his native Italy, espresso also spreads throughout the world. So now, how exactly do genuine Italians enjoy their espresso, how do they order their espresso?

No Cappuccino After 12PM

Like a mutual agreement that was never negotiated, milk for the Italians really drunk as a friend to eat breakfast. Similarly, cappuccino is like a taboo if in Italy there are people who drink above 12 noon, it does not mean it is not permissible, it's just that trends that develop in Italian society shape that habit.

Never an Italian Order an Espresso

The Italians never even ordered espresso by saying it "espresso" because the coffee drink in Italy is indeed espresso. For them, just order it by saying "Caffè" or verbally politely "Un caffè, per favore."

So you like espresso or instant?



Babancong Garut On March 2nd 1811 balubur Limbangan regency was wiped out by governor general Herman W.Daendels ( Dutch Colonial ). it...